So here's the deal,
I am a mexican-somewhat american girl.
I was born and raised (for 11 years) in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico and brought (by y parents) to the boring El Centro, California where I have been living the past 8 years. Music is a passion of mine, there is nothing more uplifting than listening to your favorite bands when you're not in the mood for the world. My "favorite" genre is pretty much anything to do with rock, let it be pop rock, punk rock, rock and roll, classic rock, indie rock... etc.
don't let this fool you into thinking I will not jam to the most pop overplayed song in the radio...
but I'm into a lot more stuff
I'm very open minded on a lot of things, except misogyny, racism, and injustice.
I have decided to start this blog to kill time, mostly, but also as a way of expressing myself. I'll add some fashion, friends, and fun to this blog, hopefully. I'll stay as true to myself as I can and I'll try to make the best of this! I hope you enjoy!